How to produce beauty blender in 2023?

Beauty blenders are such a crucial part of the makeup list that you’ll find at least three soft sponges in every makeup lover’s bag. These sponges play a vital role in the makeup routine; from applying foundation to getting that sleek look by blending contour, beauty blenders are there to help you!

These blenders have many names; some call them beauty egg, makeup sponge, makeup applicator, beauty sponge, etc., but whatever you call it, the purpose is the same- to give you a flawless makeup look!

Although there are many manufacturers producing beauty blenders of the highest quality, Shiny Beauty manufacturers make it to the top of the list as being the best in the town.

You have a makeup blender sitting in your makeup pouch, and it does its job perfectly. But how? How can a small puff blend foundations, contours, blushes, etc., so exquisitely? This article will tell you how to produce a beauty blender. Continue reading as we take you through the production process of beauty blenders!

The Production Process of Beauty Blenders

We are sure everyone has this magical sponge in their makeup bag, but have you ever wondered how beauty blenders are created?

Shiny Beauty produces thousands of blenders. Here, the manufacture of beauty blenders is an artistic performance that makes use of cutting-edge equipment and the gifted hands of staff members who understand how to operate it precisely. The workers in our factory work don’t rest until the product is made and around the clock to create blenders of the finest quality for our beauty fanatics.

Come as we take you on the journey of the production process of beauty blenders at Shiny Beauty. Here is how beauty blenders are made:

beauty blender process

1) Material Selection

The choice of materials is a crucial stage before the production process starts. The selection of materials is meticulously done since the most excellent item is made from the best material. Shiny Beauty’s raw materials include hydrophilic polyurethane foam components and exclude latex components. Therefore, Shiny Beauty’s beauty blenders don’t harm the skin since they’re made of non-latex material.

2) Foaming

Once the materials are selected and ready, it’s time to mix them together. Blending them will create a foamable mixture that’ll form the body of the blenders. The foam substance is poured into cylinders of various shapes to create different types of beauty blenders. The size of the blender will depend on how the foam expands in the mould.

3) The Drying Process

After the foam has taken its desired shape and size, the product is left for a while for them to cool down; this step is called the drying process. They are dried out to ensure that if there is water inside them, it gets wiped out, so the next step, which is grinding, faces no difficulties.

4) Grinding

Once the foam is dry, the next step is grinding. The grinding process includes shaping the foam into various shapes, such as oval, triangle, pear, slanted-edge, hourglass shape, etc. Shiny Beauty employs the most up-to-date equipment to shape the blenders into exact shapes to ensure that each product fulfills the necessary form specifications.

5) Precise Grinding

Similar to the grinding process, precise grinding is another crucial step to ensure that the beauty blenders are in clean shape with no imperfection in sight. In this process, the blender’s body is improved, giving it a clean and consistent appearance, by trimming any extra edges using specialized equipment. The precise grinding process is the reason why the beauty blenders are so uniform and apply foundation flawlessly.

6) Washing

The goods may have some dust on them from the grinding process. As a result, they are rinsed with water to guarantee that the makeup blender is dust-free. Furthermore, they are rinsed to remove any potential allergens and impurities. Every beauty blender individually gets washed so no toxic substances are present that could harm your sensitive skin.

7) AQL Inspection

Acceptance Quality Limit decides if the beauty blender will pass or not. Before they are prepared for delivery, a few samples get inspected by AQL Inspection. The inspection includes examining the beauty blenders’ color, size, shape, texture, and quality. If the blenders pass the quality criteria, they are passed to the next time; if not, they are rejected and discarded. That ensures that only top-notch quality products are getting distributed to customers.

8) Packaging

Once they get a pass from AQL Inspection, the final step includes packing the beauty blenders! The soft sponges get packaged hygienically to keep them fresh till they are delivered to their specific owner. Shiny beauty manufacturers produce 600 pieces per container, and the boxes get sealed tightly to preserve their quality. Furthermore, if you ordered a private label beauty blender, Shiny Beauty packs the product in crafted packs suiting your brand.


That marks the end of the production process. These eight steps are done with precise care and with a sharp eye of the workers, which guarantees high-quality makeup sponges.

Advantage of beauty blender Shiny

Are you new to makeup city and looking for blenders, or are you finding new manufacturers? If you are confused and can’t decide who to choose, let us help you. Shiny Beauty reigns as the provider of the most magical beauty blenders! Here are some reasons why you should try out makeup blender by Shiny Beauty.

  • Fluffy and Gentle

The Shiny Beauty blenders are made with vegan and latex-free materials, making them soft and gentle on the skin. Not only do they make applying makeup a breezy experience, but they also prevent your skin from any reaction.

  • Elastic

Applying foundation and other cosmetics like concealer, blush, and contouring is made possible by the suppleness of their sponge. Makeup mixes quickly and smoothly for equal coverage because of the flexibility.

  • Bounce

Shiny Beauty’s beauty blender has excellent bounce and resilience. These blenders will expand 130% of their original size when damp with water, giving them more flexibility for makeup blending. They will return to their original shape when you are done using them, guaranteeing that you may use them for a long time.

  • Long-Lasting

You can trust Shiny Beauty’s blender product to give a long-lasting performance due to the material and exceptional machines used to produce them. They will retain their softness and suppleness no matter how frequently you use them, enhancing your makeup while being dependable and affordable.

  • Easy to Clean

It is crucial to clean your blender to maintain its hygiene and performance. This company makes cosmetic blenders that are simple to clean, unlike some other makeup sponges that may be difficult to do so. Hence its durability.

  • Easy to Blend

Due to the exceptional bounce, the Shiny Beauty beauty blender offers you smooth and impeccable blending of makeup. You don’t have to keep on dabbing the cushion on your face continuously- just a few bounces and you have the look you want!

  • All-skin Friendly

Shiny Beauty makes its sponges using only vegan and cruelty-free components that are kind to all skin types. They prioritize customers’ skin and make sponges using material that suits every skin type.

Where Can I Buy Shiny Beauty Products?

If you are tempted to fill your blender collection with this outstanding manufacturer’s products, how about you take the chance? Beauty blenders produced by the said manufacturer are available on Amazon, or you can find them easily on any B2B site!

Perfect Way to Use a Beauty Blender

There isn’t a perfect way you can use the sponges as you like. However, sometimes you’ll notice how there may be some makeup streaks visible on your face. That indicates there may be a tiny chance you’re not using the sponges correctly. Here are a few steps on how to use a beauty blender the right way. Follows these and become an expert!

· Don’t Forget the Primer!

Primer is the first step before starting your makeup routine. Prepare your face with primer before laying whatever formula you use on your face. The primer will add a glow, making your face look more angelic!

· Wet Your Blender

Do not use a dry blender on your face; wetten it and squeeze out excessive water. While applying makeup, a moist beauty blender spreads out to double its original size, providing better coverage.

· Bounce it on your face.

While not everyone makes this mistake, there is still a minority that drags the blender instead of bouncing in on the face. Blenders that are dragged create stains and streaks, whereas blenders that are bounced have a glossy, well-blended appearance.


Shiny Beauty is the best companion if you’re looking somewhere to find the most excellent beauty blenders. They stand out with their high-quality makeup product by following a precise production process using heavy machinery and skilled labor. Their beauty blenders are bouncy, flexible, long-lasting, skin-friendly, gentle, and packed in air-tight boxes. Whether you’re an amateur or an expert, Shiny Beauty beauty blender will empower you and your makeup!


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Office: No603 Building 110, Tianxin Community, Guanlan towon , Longhua district, Shenzhen,CN
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